A. 學院強調知識傳授內容的深度和廣度。藉由設計精緻的課程和優質的教學及跨國際授課教學資源,提供世界各國最新企業管理資源結合,我們致力於激發學生對知識的好奇心和熱情。同時,注重培養學生的周延與尋根究底思維和問題解決能力,促使學生們在各產業領域中表現優越。
C. 學院注重砥礪實踐技能。除了紮實的學術基礎,我們也強調實際應用能力的培養。通過實習、實驗和專業實踐課程,促使學生能夠將所學知識轉化為實際能力,增強他們在職場上的競爭力。
D. 學院將強調個體差異的尊重和多元文化的包容。鼓勵學生發揮自己的獨特才華,於同儕互動中自然孕育對不同文化、產業背景人士的尊重和理解。透過多元的學習環境,匡輔富國際視野、開放、包容、的人才。
我們新華衛管理學院不以與全球頂尖學府合作而自足、不以孵育冠戴名校博士、碩士學位頭銜為唯一目標。我們的教育宗旨是在學術、品德和實踐技能三個方面全方位培育學生,使他們能夠迎接未來的挑戰,成為有影響力的卓越人才。文質彬彬,然後君子。多年以來,新華衛與多家股票上市公司及知名企業,聯合開辦 in- House- EMBA企業專班,獲好評,並獲得企業頒發最佳貢獻獎。也見證了學生顯著進步,在各產業執行高效能領導,我們將繼續不斷努力,追求教育卓越,為學生的未來打下堅實的基石。以襄助華人企業培育菁英人才為己任,從而促進亞洲區各企業團隊共創新局。
NWIM, a world-class academic team, with professors having excellent empirical and experimental research performance, integrating top academic paper results into teaching of practical business management.
Inspiring innovation, Pursuing excellence, Nurturing leaders, and Integrating wisdom.
Sharing core values of globalized enterprises, cross-international learning, and cultural exchanges.
Providing a borderless learning platform for global entrepreneurs.
Synchronized classroom teaching and online teaching.
NWIM, on the 33rd anniversary of its founding, has cultivated more than 6,000 alumni of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professional executives spreading over six continents.
In the rapidly changing social and economic and trade environment, enterprises must always face changes in competitive situations, various geopolitical and economic issues, and fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, and product prices. The function of education currently is not only to pave the way for students, but also to teach them the ability to cope with changes. The role of education currently is not only to impart knowledge, but also to form the foundation for the holistic development of individuals and teams.
NWIM’s educational mission is to cultivate excellence in all aspects of our students’ academic performance, moral character, and skills, so that they will be able to face the challenges of the future and turn the situation around with a sense of calmness.
A. NWIM emphasizes the depth and breadth of knowledge transfer. We strive to stimulate students’ curiosity and passion for knowledge through a well-designed curriculum and quality teaching and learning resources, as well as international teaching and learning resources, which provide a combination of the latest business management resources from around the world. At the same time, we emphasize the development of students’ thinking and problem-solving skills, which will enable them to excel in various industries.
B. NWIM attaches immense importance to moral education and is committed to instilling students with correct values and ethical conduct so that students can become social elites, leaders in industries, and step onto the world stage. Through mutual research and discussion between the teaching and learning processes, in-depth analysis of famous cases from different countries, the rich and colorful curriculum conducted by a superb teaching team, and the interactive design that encourages students to develop a sense of social responsibility and teamwork, we cultivate leaders who can communicate easily and effectively and who have good character and intelligence.
C. NWIM focuses on honing practical skills. In addition to a solid academic foundation, we also emphasize the cultivation of practical abilities. Through internships, experiments and professional practice courses, students can transform the knowledge they have learned into practical abilities and enhance their competitiveness in the workplace.
D. NWIM will emphasize respect for individual differences and tolerance of multiculturalism. Students are encouraged to develop their unique talents and naturally develop respect and understanding for people with distinct cultural and industrial backgrounds through peer interaction. Through a diverse learning environment, NWIM enriches talents with international vision, openness, and tolerance.
NWIM is not complacent about cooperating with the world’s top-rated universities, nor is our sole goal of incubating doctors and master’s degrees from prestigious universities. Our educational purpose is to cultivate students in all aspects of academic, ethical, and practical skills, so that they can face the challenges of the future and become influential and outstanding people. When the accomplishments and solid qualities are equally blended, we then have the man of virtue. Over the years, NWIM has organized in-house EMBA courses with many listed companies and famous enterprises, which have been well received and awarded the best contribution award from the enterprise. We have also witnessed the remarkable progress of our students, who have become highly effective leaders in various industries. We will continue to strive for excellence in education and lay a solid foundation for the future of our students. Our mission is to assist Chinese enterprises in nurturing the best and brightest people, thereby facilitating new opportunities for enterprises in the Asian region.