全球視野-Global Perspective
中文為主,英文為輔由世界知名教授和業界專家授課,涵蓋全球商業趨勢和挑戰。 Mainly in Chinese and supplemented in English, the courses are lectured by world-renowned professors and industry experts covering global business trends and challenges.
頂級師資群-Top Faculty
授課教授皆畢業全球100大博士畢業生,具有豐富的專業知識和經驗,理論學術並濟。 The professors are all PhDs from the world's top 100 universities, with rich professional knowledge and experience in both theory and academia.
創新與數位化-Innovation and Digitalization
商業創新和數位化轉型,挖掘數據潛力,數據分析驅動戰略決策,自動化提高生產力。 Business innovation and digital transformation tap the potential of data. Data analysis drives strategic policy making, and automation improves productivity.
實際專案-Practical Projects
課程中融入大量實際案例和專案,幫助學生應對真實商業挑戰。 The program incorporates lots of real-life examples and projects to help students meet real life business challenges.
ESG授課-ESG Courses
培養對環境、社會和治理問題的認識,促進可持續發展和企業的社會責任。 Develop awareness of Environmental, Social and Governance issues and promote sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.
本校畢業典禮-Graduation Ceremony on University Campus
親身體驗回校畢業典禮和全球海外校友交流。 Experience the back-to-school graduation ceremony on campus and exchanges with overseas alumni.
企業參訪-Corporate Visits
增強解決問題能力、決策和創新,發現商機,創造價值。建立人脈。 Enhance problem-solving skills, decision-making and innovation. Identify business opportunities and create value. Build personal connections.
學術研討會-Academic Symposiums
每年舉辦時令議題國際學術研討會,學習最新的商業知識,全球商業的發展趨勢。 International academic symposium on hot and popular topics is organized every year to learn and share the latest business knowledge and global business trends.
即時互動-Real-time Interaction
利用先進的線上學習平台,學員可隨時隨地參與課堂,進行實時互動和討論。 Utilizing the advanced online learning platform, students can participate in the classroom anytime, anywhere, and engage in real-time interactions and discussions.
相同畢業證書-Same Graduation Certificate
線上與實地同步教學,同一教學大綱,授課教授和考核標準。Synchronized online and on-site lecturing, with the same syllabus and curriculum, same instructing professors and assessment standards.
全球校友聯盟-Global Alumni Association
全球6000位傑出華人企業家、社團領袖校友帶領您進入全球市場及龐大人脈資源。6,000 outstanding Chinese entrepreneur and community leader alumni around the world lead you to the global market and vast resources of personal connections.