及實踐理念,共享企業管理知識之資源。 To build a knowledge-sharing platform. Students and alumni who attend the symposium participate in the practical experience and concepts of different business fields and share the resources of business management knowledge.
討,廣邀全球六大洲知名企業家分享企業管理新知,促使學術專家與企業領導者、專 業經理人共聚,分析全球持續變局下之整合、深入瞭解財經脈絡,讓與會者對國際趨 勢能有通盤理解並取得領先優勢。 In order to build a global business platform for all students and graduates of NWIM, we have invited famous entrepreneurs from six continents to share their new knowledge on business management, so as to encourage academic to meet with business leaders and executives to analyze the integration of the ongoing global changes and gain a deeper understanding of the financial pulse, so that participants can have a comprehensive understanding of international trends and gain a leading edge.
提供交流平臺:新華衛期盼舉辦此學術活動非侷限於學術分享,藉由與會人 士在座談會中分享實務經驗,達到學術與實務交流之目的,獲得友誼而衍生的人脈網 絡,提供全球商務的最佳平臺。 Provide a Communication Platform: NWIM hopes that this academic event shall not be limited to sharing of academic findings, but shall achieve the exchanges of academics and practices through participants sharing their empirical experience in the symposium, gain a network of connections from friendship, and provide the best platform for global business.