(NWIM)首創華文MBA&EMBA中文授課, 1990年引進歐美最新企業管理碩士學位課程。
符合亞洲區各大型企業與中小型企業專經理人及企業領導人, 專業的課程需求規劃;
(課程)探索全球化的企業管理精隨, 具有系統化的學習產業如何與世界接軌;
創業路上MBA&EMBA啟迪智慧,創辦人心得: 策略思維,領航未來; 領導力,凝聚團隊; 創新力,開創契機。 攜手前行,不斷學習,共創商業傳奇。
大中華區的企業環境變化訊速, 全球產業競爭激烈的環境中, 引進華語教學MBA課程, 內容和授課模式可改善亞洲區華文體系各中, 大型企業領導人及小型企業主與專業經理人的邏輯思維, 增進換位思考能力, 也是改變企業經營全球化的轉則及企業經營的創新與改善模組, 可學習全方位思考,提升全球化產業競爭環境之優勢, 在快經濟時代產業卓越的追求而引進歐美國家最新企業管理中文 MBA& EMBA課程的必要性。並推動區域經濟,知識交流和合作。
創建中文MBA課程, 可位亞洲區域的專業人士提供更多的教育機會, 提升他們的知識技能。
透過企業管理專業知識相互探討以中文課程相互研究欲探討, 培養更多商業領袖和專業經理人, 推動當地和區域的經濟發展 。
MBA課程鼓勵學生創新創業精神促使學生更能夠因應產業變局, 創建新事業, 改善固有企業型態。
學員們來自不同產業, 可相互學習不同專業領域的, 衍生知識和產業交流。
培養學生對社會責任的認同, 企業倫理與道德的遵從, ESG企業永續經營的模組與規章。
全球校友建立:為全球校友們創立 “全球校友聯盟網絡” 通過強大的校友網絡, 為畢業生提供更擴展商脈與人脈交流機會。
本校創校33年,校友台灣及大中華區,遍佈全球六大洲,傑出校友6000多名皆為各國華商領袖, 世界台商總會長 , 世界各洲~洲總會長及成功華人企業家。
NWIM pioneered the Chinese-language MBA & EMBA programs, and in 1990 introduced the latest Master of Business Administration degree programs from the United States.
NWIM created and developed successful MBA&EMBA curriculum design and launch that meet the professional needs of managers and business leaders of large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises in Asia.
The program explores the essence of global business management and has a systematic pedagogy of how the industry integrates with the world, and is in line with the professional demand of course planning for the managers and business leaders of large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises in Asia.
MBA & EMBA inspires wisdom on the founder’s roadmap to entrepreneurship: strategic thinking to lead the future; leadership to unite the team; innovation to create opportunities. We move forward hand in hand, keep learning, and together create a business legend.
The business environment in Greater China is changing rapidly. In the fiercely competitive environment of the global industry, the introduction of Chinese-taught MBA programs of which the curriculum and pedagogy can improve the logical thinking of leaders of medium and large enterprises, small business owners and managers in the Chinese-speaking areas in Asia and enhance the ability to put oneself in other’s place. It is also a module for changing the globalization of business operations, as well as innovation and improvement of business operations. You can learn to think in a holistic manner and enhance your competitive advantage in the globalized industrial environment. In the era of fast economy, in order to pursue excellence in the industries, it is necessary to introduce the latest Chinese language business administration MBA & EMBA programs from Europe and USA, and to promote regional economy, knowledge exchange and cooperation.
Provide Opportunities for Education:
Launching Chinese language MBA programs can provide more educational opportunities for professionals in the Asian region and improve their knowledge proficiencies.
Promote Industrial Development:
Through mutual exploration of business management expertise and the adoption of Chinese language programs, more business leaders and managers will be nurtured to promote local and regional economic development.
Cultivate Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
The MBA program encourages students to be innovative and entrepreneurial so that they are better able to respond to changes in the industrial environments, create new businesses, and improve their existing business models.
Enhance Knowledge Exchange and Cooperation:
The trainees come from different industries and can learn from each other’s derived knowledge and industry in different professional fields.
Cultivate Social Responsibility:
Cultivate students’ recognition of social responsibility, compliance with corporate ethics and morals, and the modules and regulations for companies adhering to ESG sustainable management.
NWIM Global Alumni Association:
The “NWIM Global Alumni Association” was founded for global alumni to provide graduates with opportunities to expand their business and personal connections through a strong alumni network.
In the 33 years since the founding of NWIM, alumni from Taiwan and the Greater China region have spread to six continents, with more than 6,000 outstanding alumni that are leaders of Chinese businessmen in various countries, presidents of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce, presidents of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of Asia, North America, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and successful Chinese entrepreneurs.